Copy Cat Crafts – Ladybug Paperweight

I came across this cute little ladybug in a home decor store, and she became inspiration for craft time with the kids:

ladybug craft for kids

We started by finding some smooth round rocks to turn into lady bugs.  We used red paint for one, and strips of tissue for the other.  This is our painted rock:

Paint rock red

Our decoupage rock is below.  To do this, rip tissue into strips.  Mix 2 parts glue with 1 part water and paint the glue onto the rock.  Press tissue onto the glue and then paint over everything with more glue.  Let dry.  TIP:  Let the kids do the tissue ripping!  It’s crinkly and loud – they love it!

  Rip pieces of red tissue    Decoupage rock with red tissue paper

Use black paint to add ladybug head and spots

paint black spots onto red ladybug

Finish your craft by adding eyes.  We used stickers on ours

Little ladybug and big ladybug