Kids in the Kitchen – Making Baked Potato Chips

I’ve never sent potato chips to school with the kids’ lunches before, but now that we’ve discovered this easy, healthier option to bake them ourselves, this might just become the newest lunchtime or after school snack!  My eight year old was the tester for this project – she had fun with it and it was super easy for her.  (I did all the chopping and placement in oven).  Plus, the kids liked the finished product!

To make home made potato chips we used:

3 yukon gold potatoes (these were from our garden – exciting for me b/c I’m new to growing potatoes.  One of ours was giant, so you could use 4 average sized potatoes.  You could also try russet)

Cooking oil (we used canola oil)

Salt (up to 1/2 tsp, but we just used a shake or two)

Preheat the oven to 400 degrees fahrenheit.

  1. Scrub the potatoes – our crafty kid used a scrubber brush with a handle that was easy for her small hand to hold
  2. Thinly slice potatoes into chips.  We used a sharp knife, but a mandolin or food processor would make quick work of this and would ensure evenly sliced chips
    Slice Potatoes into Chips
  3. Add 1 tbsp oil to bowl, and toss potatoes.  Kids can use their hands to really make sure everything is mixed well
    Kids Making Potato Chip Snack
  4. Sprinkle chips with salt and toss again
    Healthy Snack Ideas for Kids
  5. Spread chips evenly across greased cookie sheets in a single layer.  Avoid overlap so they all crisp up really well!
    Spread potatoes on pan in thin layer
  6. Bake potato chips at 400 for 20 minutes or untll crispy.  You’ll want to check them every couple of minutes to ensure that they don’t overbake
    Baked Potato Chips Easy Snack Idea for Kids
  7. Put them into a bowl and enjoy!
    homemade baked potato chips

Yum Yum Yum Yum Yum!!!  If you try this with your kids, let us know!!