Every Day is Earth Day

Earth Day has come and gone but we can make every day earth day!  Here are some things we can do every day to help keep our Earth Healthy.  Brought to you by the Craft Caravan Kids Craft Club:

  • Keep our earth beautiful by making less garbage!! Reduce the number of things we buy and use, Re-Use the things we have, Recycle the things that can’t be re-used.
  • Keep our Air Clean – Walk, run, bike, scooter, or skate instead of riding in the car – cars use gas, which makes smelly fumes that go into our air (yuck!) So go out and get some exercise for your body!
  • Save Energy – Turn off the lights when you leave a room! If we use less energy, we will have to make less energy, which is good for the earth.
  • Save Water – Turn the water off when you’re brushing your teeth to make sure we have enough water all the time.
  • Plant a tree (or any plant) – plants help clean the air, and they give insects and animals food or shelter

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