Craft Time Tips: Fun with the Kids Craft Club

Here are some simple tips to help your kids get started when they get their Kids Craft Club package in the mail!

  • Do a quick review of craft suggestions with your child, pointing out pictures and ideas.  This will often be a very QUICK review, as they may just want to get started right away!!
  • Note: the instructions are just guidelines that show suggestions for the craft supplies.  Your child may want to do something completely different, and that’s great!   
  • Let them open the craft supply package, and dump the contents onto workspace so that they can easily access supplies
  • Put a small amount of glue onto a plate or plastic lid, and let them use a sponge, paint brush, or craft stick for spreading glue
  • Let your child take the lead – kids are often more interested in process, rather than end product!
  • Be nearby, in case your child needs some help
  • Ask open ended questions about what they’re working on, such as “tell me about what you’re doing” or “that looks interesting”……they might want to share their thoughts on what they’re doing
  • Keep the conversation and their interest flowing by referring to the included ‘fun facts’ sheet and talking about their craft subject matter together

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